Love and Relationships

    Love is interpreted differently for people based on their own experiences. Some say it’s beautiful, some say it hurts, even some say it’s their religion. Ya’ll know I believe in God with my whole heart, therefore my basis on Love is centered on scripture Cor. 13, go check it out!

 Over the 31 years of my life I’ve formed many relationships, relationships with friends, family, and strangers. Though all did not last, I must say there were all equally important to me.  As a matter of fact, they each taught me lessons which developed my interpersonal skills.

I love the idea of love and I like when it’s pure with good intentions. Unfortunately, everybody doesn’t experience it this way; sadly, everybody was not taught how to love correctly. We all deserve a pure and happy love. I know! We cannot control the circumstances which results from giving love but that shouldn’t deter us from receiving it.

 From all the ships, romantic relationships seem to be the one that involves the most emotions. You give the other party your trust, your words, your time and your security. Basically, your whole self! Imagine giving someone your most valuable gift then they turn around and burn it. That’s what it feels like. This could rip your heart apart and possible leave deep cuts and wounds that may take a very long time to heal or may never heal.

 I too, can identify with the pain and serious implications that are caused of not receiving what I thought would be great. This has happened to me over and over and over again. That is sometimes caused by expectations.  At least once in our life we have all fall in the trap of expectations.  Admit it, we see  it all played out  in our heads, we can predict the time, the year and month then somewhere along the lines this does not go as planned and this can hurt pretty badly.

It is hard to ignore the emotional wreck that is caused from romantic relationships; however, it’s our responsibility to take care of our mental health in the process. At the end of the day it is imperative that we have peace of mind. We all deserve a peace that will enable us to function. I actually have a lot more to say about love and relationships but since this is the part one my story I think it is safe for me to end it here. 


  1. Hey this is a really great blog. I agree love is viewed in many different ways and when we misunderstand love we are hurt very badly. It's our responsibility as adults to find out what 'right' love is. God bless you for your blogging! Thank you.

  2. That part, "when we misunderstand love". Yes, I must agree. Indeed, we should make it our responsibility and also to ensure that we know,when it feels wrong it is wrong!

  3. Society has sort of given us a timeline. We should be married by such and such an age, have x amount of children by this and that time. But, for everyone it is different. Like you, I, to had soooo many expectations. But ot is better to love the life that God designed for you and not the one fabricated in our minds.

    1. Well said, Ren.. couldn't have said it better. God has a plan for us, that we should follow, not society.

  4. Yes I agree. We have to follow God's plan for our lives. Only then we will be at ease with our lives no matter what happens.


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