
Rejection can be an extremely devastating event for anyone. In fact, at some period in our life we have experienced rejection. Whether it be from the cool lunch table, our favorite sport team, the debate team, family or from a person you once had a crush on. Unfortunately, some people never come back from being rejected and some others use it as a path to find where they truly belong. According to Google search dictionary, Rejection can be defined as "a dismissal of proposal." Meaning someone dismissing an attempt you are trying to make with another person or groups of people. We were not created to be rejected, we were created to be loved and protected from out mother's womb. From the moment we were born we were nurtured and so we will always want to feel that way because it's a natural inclination from God. I've had my fair share of rejection. The first time I was rejected I didn't know what it was. All I know it was painful as hel...